Principal's Message
Dear Students,
One must continue to strive for a better life in the future-Life becomes meaningless if one stops dreaming and struggling to achieve those dreams. Success does not come to you on a silver platter. Hard work, commitment, and dedication bring us closer to success.
Govt. College of Education, Jalandhar is one of the premier institutions of teacher education in Northern India. It is one of the oldest colleges conducting B.Ed and M.Ed programs. It aims at producing well-skilled and efficient teachers. The motto of the college “We live for children” sums up the life of a teacher. Children are the future of the nation and a teacher has the responsibility of nurturing their talent, building their character, and making them useful and productive citizens of the country.
In this age of fast-changing technology, values have been left far behind and we are left groping in the dark. A teacher, in such a situation, has to become a role model and a torchbearer for the children.
The college has a magnificent building, spacious lawns, well-equipped laboratories, and a rich library. The college staff is highly qualified and dedicated. The college aims at the harmonious development of the personality of the students and provides a conducive environment for learning. It emphasizes value-based education and upholds traditions. The college has covered many milestones of success and has a reputation for providing motivated and exemplary teachers to society.
With best wishes for a bright future.
Mrs. Balwinder Kaur
- Every student must carry his or her Identity card inside the campus. Any violation of this will lead disciplinary action.
- Students must be help to keep the institute campus neat and clean.
- Use of Mobile phones during the lectures is strictly prohibited. Any violation of this will lead disciplinary action.
- Students are expected to read notice circulars displayed on the notice board.
- Spitting smoking and throwing bits of paper in the premises should be avoided
- The students should park their vehicles in parking area.
- The students are advised to put their valuable suggestions/complaints if any, in the suggestions/complaint box for the development of the Institution.
- Misuse or unauthorised use of the institute premise or items of property, including computer misuse, Library misuse etc. should lead to disciplinary action.
- Students should not involve in any kind of ragging activities. Any violation of this will lead to penal action as per the guidelines of the Supreme Court; any other competent Authority from time to time.
- All acts of violence and sexual harassment of any kind will lead to disciplinary action or penal action as per the competent authority.
- Use of tobacco, cigarette,gutkha,drugs,alchol etc. is injurious to health of an individual and use of all such material is strictly banned in the college campus. Any body found using any such type of drugs will be punished by the College committee.
- Students should dress up neatly in dignified. No student is allowed to wear provoked dresses in college premises or while representing the institution.
- Students must close the taps; switch off lights fans and other electrical appliances. When not in use.
- Any act of discrimination physical or verbal based on individual caste, race religion or religion belief, colour, region, language, disability, family status or mental disability is not tolerated.
- Intentionally damaging/destroying college property shall be treated as act of misconduct.
- Students are expected to use social media carefully and with responsibility.
- Students must be kind, helpful and supportive towards their fellow students and always courteous towards faculty and other employees.
- Students are expected to maintain the highest standard and discipline and dignified manner of behaviour.
- Violation of code ethics shall be treated as a punishable act.
- To transform the hidden potentialities and qualities of the pupil teachers into realities.
- To enable the students to development holistic personality with productive thinking’
- To produce sincere and dedicated teachers of 21st century to teach at elementary, secondary and higher secondary level.
- To develop cognitive skills pupil teachers.
- To develops skill of guidance and counselling in pupil teachers.
- To develop communication skills necessary for the teaching profession.
- To develop human values among pupil teachers.
- To pursue research in the field of education.
- To orient students teachers to apply the theatrical knowledge to solve real life problems.
- To create awareness in pupil teachers about the moderns trends in education.
- To provide opportunities and facilities for all around development of teacher trainees.
- To transform the students teacher into good citizens with citizenship qualities like patriotism and tolerance.
The institution tries to inculcate, promote and retain traditional values among its stake holders by providing that kind of cultural environment in the institution.
- Imbibing good pragmatic values in the personality of pupil teachers in core consideration of the college.
- The college emphasizes education with rich human values making them good citizen.
- The purpose, vision, mission and values of the institution are made known to stake holders by in charge different committees at the bringing of every new academic year, through organisation of co-curricular activities, celebration of national days, National festival, Festival of all religions, NSS activities and other filed work activities.
Do’s and don’t’s
- No outsider is allowed to enter the college without a valid reason and permission by the Principal after proving his/her identity.
- All the students shall carry their identity cards and produce whenever demanded. No student shall be allowed entry without an I-Card.
- Students who remain absent from the College without permission shall be fined as per Punjab government and University Norms.
- If a student remain absent from the College for more than 10 consecutive days, his/her name shall be stuck off the College rolls.
- Unlawful assembly of students is banned in the College campus.
- Writing of graffiti or sticking of posters is a cognizable offence.
- Ragging in any form on or off the college campus is a cognizable offence and the student/students involved in ragging will be severely punished as provided in IPC and Hon’ble Supreme court directions.
- Disciplinary action will be initiated against a student restoring to unfair means in the Internal house Examination.
- The above rules are subject to change or modified or suspended as and when required.
- The decision of the college Principal, in any matter, shall be final and binding.
Our Vision is to make the institution the best learning centre for all the deserved learners, and to bring academic excellence in the area of teacher education by providing best quality teachers to the society.
In keeping with this motto, the institution’s purpose is to impart quality education to all, irrespective of caste and creed, leading to integral formation of persons with their cultural heritage.